
What is Ethers.js?

The Ethers.js library offers a collection of tools to interact with Ethereum nodes using JavaScript, similar to Web3.js. Atleta Olympia also has a similar API that is fully compatible with Ethereum's JSON RPC invocations. This means that developers can take advantage of this compatibility and use the Ethers.js library to interact with a Atleta Olympia node as if it were an Ethereum node.

Getting Started with Ethers.js

  1. Create a JavaScript Project to store all of the files you'll be creating mkdir ethers-examples && cd ethers-examples

  2. Install the Ethers.js library and the Solidity compiler npm install ethers solc@0.8.0

Setting up Ethers Provider

  1. Import the ethers library

  2. Define the providerRPC object, which can include the network configurations for any of the networks you want to send a transaction on.

  3. Create the provider using the ethers.providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider method. An alternative is to use the ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvide(providerRPC) method, which only requires the provider RPC endpoint address.

    // 1. Import ethers
    const ethers = require('ethers');
    // 2. Define network configurations
    const providerRPC = {
    manta: {
        name: 'Atleta Olympia',
        rpc: '', // Insert your RPC URL here
        chainId: 2340, //Insert your ChainID Here
    // 3. Create ethers provider
    const provider = new ethers.providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(
        chainId: providerRPC.constellation.chainId,

Note: Ensure that all of your smart contracts are deployed on the Atleta Olympia chain and that you have updated contract addresses on the front-end.

Last updated