“Connect to Olympia Testnet”
Step-by-step guide for adding Atleta Olympia testnet to Metamask.
Last updated
Step-by-step guide for adding Atleta Olympia testnet to Metamask.
Last updated
Download Metamask Wallet: https://metamask.io/
Reminder: this is a guide specifically crafted for Metamask (Browser Extension), however, most open source EVM compatible wallets, in both browser extension and mobile application forms, will provide similar processes for adding networks.
Visual Guide available here: - - -
Open Metamask Interface Settings
Locate “Settings”
Locate “Settings” – “Networks”
Click Add Network
Click “Add Network Manually”
Provide Network Details
Open your Metamask wallet interface.
Open the full menu of options by clicking on the three bullet dots stacked vertically. Then, find and open “Settings”.
In the settings, you should be able to locate the “Networks” tab; open it.
In the network settings, click the “Add Network” button.
Once “Network” is clicked, Metamask will redirect you to a full-screen interface. Navigate to the very bottom and locate the “Add a Network Manually” option that is typically tucked away from sight.
You will now be prompted to provide 5 data points.
Network Name: Atleta Olympia Network URL: https://testnet-rpc.atleta.network:9944/ Chain ID: 2340 Currency Symbol: ATLA Block Explorer: https://blockscout.atleta.network/
Provide them all, and click “Save”
If all of the information was provided correctly, you will be redirected to the Metamask main screen and receive confirmation in the form of two pop-ups.
Now, simply follow the prompt and “Switch to Atleta Olympia”.
At the top left of the Metamask interface you will see a dropdown with “Atleta Olympia” and the network will now denominate value in ATLA.
Now, you will have the "Atleta Olympia" automatically saved to your log of networks. To ensure this is so, simply re-open your Metamask wallet and click on the "quick access" network switcher module on the top left of the wallet interface.
Here, you will find the list of active (EVM compatible) networks that your wallet is/has been connected to; scrolling down, you should be able to locate "Atleta Olympia".
Moving forward, you will be able to switch between networks in the blink of an eye.
If you still need help with adding the Atleta Olympia testnet into your metamask wallet, please do not hesitate to reach out to the community on any of our social media channels. Visual Guide available here: - - -