“Governance on Olympia Testnet”
Step-by-step guide of the user(s) journey to Governance in Atleta Olympia via the official UI.
Last updated
Step-by-step guide of the user(s) journey to Governance in Atleta Olympia via the official UI.
Last updated
Direct Access to Governance: https://app-olympia.atleta.network/governance
Reminder: be on the “ATLETA Olympia Testnet” whenever interacting with the suite of testnet products, otherwise you will receive the following prompt “This app doesn’t support your current network. Switch to an available option to continue.”
Visual Guide available here: https://app.supademo.com/demo/clyoildvo0t63y805bwziqosy
Go to the official ATLETA application dashboard: https://app-olympia.atleta.network/
Connect your Web3 wallet
Connect to the “Atleta Olympia Testnet”
Navigate to “Governance” block in the bottom left of the dashboard or in the top menu bar
Proceed with the verification process
Explore the Governance functionality
Navigate to Atleta Application Dashboard located here: https://app-olympia.atleta.network/
*We recommend bookmarking this article, or any of the official sites for peace of mind, easy access, and just generally immaculate Web3 hygiene.
Select you Web3 Wallet by clicking “Connect” in the top corner on the upper right hand
You will see a pop-up with over 420 different supported wallets; if you already have one installed in your browser, the interface will automatically detect and label it accordingly.
** If you do not have a wallet, download one such as the recommended standard: Metamask
Select the account(s) you want to connect and click “Next” in the wallet interface.
Authorize viewing right permissions by clicking “Confirm” in the wallet interface.
Then you will be prompted with a signature request for a message from your web3 wallet.
If this is your first time ever connecting to the Atleta Olympia network, the dashboard will prompt you to Switch networks, at the same exact time as the permission.
In this case, reject the signature and then click on switch to the “Atleta Olympia” Network
Reject Signature and Switch to Atleta Olympia Network
After this change you will go to the Providing Signature section where you should accept it.
Executing the network switch for a first time user requires that they import the Atleta Olympia specifications; therefore, if this is your first time ever connecting to the Atleta Olympia network, your wallet will prompt you to “Allow the site to add the network” and show the associated network’s information.
Verify that all the details are correct:
Network Name: Atleta Olympia Network URL: https://testnet-rpc.atleta.network:9944/ Chain ID: 2340 Currency Symbol: ATLA
If the information matches, “approve” the network.
Finally, after approving the network, simply click “Switch Network”.
Approving a network switch to ATLETA Olympia Testnet in MetaMask Wallet. After this change you will go to the Providing Signature section where you should accept it.
Naviagate to Governance by clicking to the “Governance” block on the bottom left hand of the dashboard
Click on “Governance” in the top menu bar
After clicking, you will be directed to the official governance interface.
When you have connected your wallet and moved to governance page you are ready for creating proposals.
Click on “Create Proposal”
The popup with three options of proposals will be shown.
For creation of discussion post click on “Discussion post” button.
As you clicked on the button, the discussion post form will be shown. To create the post, simply fill in all of the necessary information through the input prompt bars.
* The title and description should reflect the main idea of the post ** Topic should be chosen as close to the main idea as it possible *** Tags are optional, but providing better searchability for your posts
If you want to see how many users for or against your post you can provide a post with voting pool by checking “Add pool to discussion”.
Also you can control the comments on your post with one of the three possible options; select the one that best suites your specific case. *Be aware that in general, disabling comments is less favorable than allowing them. We reccommend the use of option three, "Only On-Chain Verified Wallets" for the best community response.
1. Allowed for everyone 2. Disable comments 3. Only on-chain verified wallets
After all fields are filled, navigate to the bottom of the popup and click on “Create post” button.
After confirming the form, you will be able to check if you have filled in the title or description correctly. If this happens, you can click on the edit button and correct them.
For example, to change the Title, click on the “Edit” button, adjust it to the newly desire name, and then click “Save”.
After everything is done - click on the “Submit” button.
Congrats!!! Your first discussion post has been created!
You and the public will now be able to view your post in the general governance board.
If a discussion post was created with a voting pool, you and other users can vote for or against the post.
Click “Cast your vote” button for voting.
In the voting popup you should choose “For” or “Against” and then click “Confirm” to proceed the vote.
* For is to signal favorable support / approval ** Against is to signal opposition / denial
After some time passes you can check all the votes and its statistics on the post page.
To create a treasury proposal you need to open the proposal popup as you did for selecting the discussion post. For that open governance main page and click on the “Create Proposal” button.
Select the Treasury proposal option into the opened popup.
Once selected, you will have to verify your balance and eligibility to make treasury proposals.
You are eligible if you have at least 10 $ATLA.
If not, you must go to the faucet and earn some by clicking the “Request $ATLA” button - for help with claiming, please refer to the Claim Testnet $ATLA Guide here
There are two options to create treasury proposal:
1. With an already created discussion post. 2. From scratch.
For the first option, "Already Created Discussion Post", you just need to specify the link to the exact discussion post (Copy and paste it)
So for now let’s choose the second option and create a treasury from scratch. For such check “No”.
After you select the No option, you will be presented with the same form as when you created the discussion post in step 5.
All instructions from Step 5 apply for creating a Treasury proposal.
On the next step you must specify the wallet and the amount of $ATLA that will be issued when the proposal is accepted.
Then check info and proceed by clicking “Submit” button
Confirm the transaction to post your proposal on-chain.
Once the transaction is confirmed, you will be redirected to your proposal page where you can monitor its status.
We are deeply interesting in you creative ideas and look forward to your participation! Every member of the community that is invovled in governance activity will significantly impact/boost their testnet presence and scoring!
If you still need help navigating governance on the Olympia network, please do not hesitate to reach out to the community on any of our social media channels. Visual Guide available here: https://app.supademo.com/demo/clyoildvo0t63y805bwziqosy