Fan Engagement
Voting, proposing, and helping guide early-stage athletes.
Resembling micro-DAOs, each Blockchain Sports Athlete NFT gives its owner a proportionate (to circulating supply) distribution of voting rights. The DAOs represent a community of people who actively contribute to an athlete's career. With direct communicative capabilities between the athletes and themselves, users can make requests, suggest ideas, support others and submit directives. Any arbitrary requests can be brought to the athlete for consideration, novel, entertaining things such as wearing distinctive clothing during practice, attempting a shots to score points, and so on. All the same, members can request that the athletes promote a common interest, such as by verbal acknowledgment, and in return, receive rewards for their efforts/compliance.
In order to be admitted into an individual athlete's micro-DAO, ownership of more than 10 assets of their collection is required.
Something that is currently being experimented with is on-chain community-based grading, whereby the token owners can contribute to athlete evaluations based on personal expertise. This function will serve the dual purpose of providing an external social audit to protect athletes against conflicts during pre-public evaluation and aligning athlete behavior with their community. Prior to the launch of an athlete (during tokenization), valuations are derived (partially) by grades provided by professional evaluation agents/committees. Should the public deem an athlete to be of grade A but a private agent issue a grade C; users will be able to contend the fairness of and potentially displace or boost the athletes' on-chain grade and, in turn, influence market dynamics.
Athletes are not obligated to comply with any of the fan requests; however, doing so would be in their own best interests to build up a reputation and foundational base of trust with their earliest groups of true believers.
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