Gov Specifications
In order to unlimited access the governance module, users are required to stake their $ATLA tokens. The absolute minimum number of coins that must be staked is 10.
User that stake through 'Nomination Pools' do not have voting rights due to the coins being held in a system contract.
Flagging is a method of protecting the community against malicious proposals.
Whenever a new proposal is submitted, it goes through a 72 hours induction period, during which members of the governance forum pre-screen the proposal. If a proposal gets flagged by the super-majority of active members, it is discarded. Discarded proposals will automatically have their hash identifiers blacklisted to avoid being resubmitted.
This system is not without flaw; whenever a user submits their proposal, it is run through a hashing algorithm to give it a unique identified. If the proposer proves to be malicious and attempts to push the same agenda, they can technically do so by adjusting a single character in the original text.
Voting is the process of approving or denying a proposal.
The Voting Power a user has depends directly on a users token allocation. Voting Power is ascribed based on a direct conversion of 1 $ATLA to x1,000 voting power and based on a 1 coin (1,000 voting power) minimum requirement per issue. Whenever a vote is cast, voting power is locked into its proposal and does not get unlocked until after a proposal completes its lifecycle.
Users can vote on multiple issues concurrently; however doing so dilutes their voting power. If a user has 1,000 $ATLA voting power from his stake, and votes on a single issue, they can have a weight multiplier of x1,000; In the event they decide to split their involvement and participate in the proceedings of another proposal, they will have to redirect some of that weight.
Whenever a vote takes place, user specify how much of their voting power they wish to allocate.
Discussions take the form of a comment tree under a proposal.
Intended to provide the public with an open trail of thoughts, material published in a discussion is permanent. Every comment is stored in the network's history. Discussions do not require locking or allocating voting power.
The system ascribes high potential likelihood of spam that can be associated with a discussion. Therefore, a 20 block (1 minute) cooldown timer is applied to an address every time they post.
Suggesting alterations to the protocol.
Proposals work in a three phase process; screening, consideration, implementation.
Once a qualified user submits their proposal, it goes through a 72 hour (86,400 blocks) period called a "screening". During screening, the community is given a chance to review the contents of the proposal and flag it if necessary. If flagged by the supermajority of active governance members, the proposal is discarded. If the proposal passes screening, it is granted "active" status and posted on the forum for voting and discussions. Passing the screening phase, transitions the proposal to consideration.
In the consideration phase, the community is given an opportunity to discuss and cast their votes on a subject. The duration of the considerations phase is specified by the author submitting the proposal, with a minimum time bound of 7 days (201,600 blocks) and a maximum of 90 days (2,592,000 blocks). While it is generally recommended to submit longer duration proposals, it is expected that time sensitive or low impact issues might arise, which do not need prolonged consideration.
Proposal can receive 1-of-3 votes; approve, deny, resubmit.
Approval: In order for a proposal to be approved, it must attract at least the supermajority of *available voting power (2/3); of which the supermajority must be approval. Meaning that in order for a recommendation to pass, it need to garner at least 44% support before expiry.
If there are 10,000 users that have a total voting power of 2,000,000,000 (2 Billion); then the proposal must attract at least 1,333,333,333.4 (1.33 Billion) voting power. Of those 888,888,893.37 (888 million) must be in support of it passing.
Denial: In order for a proposal to be denied, it must attract a 44% rejection rate from the outstanding super majority.
Proposals that are denied once, have the opportunity to appeal. Appealing will require the author lock up at least 10,000 $ATLA coins to signal their conviction. If after appealing the proposal is still denied by the community, the locked coins will be returned after a 90 day (2,592,000 block) cooldown period.
Resubmit: If the community deems a proposal to be generally good, but lacking in detail or in need of corrections around implementation; they can request the author resubmit their proposal. In order for a resubmit to be
An issue can only be resubmit one time. If a proposal is resubmit, it will only have approve or deny as votes. After resubmitting if the author does not manage to adjust things in such a way so as to sway the voters and gets denied, they are still granted an appeal.
If a proposal is not able to attract enough engagement within the consideration period, it will expire. Expired proposals are allow to be resubmitted as many times as the author desires. There is a cooldown period between resubmitting expired proposals of 201,600 blocks (7 days).
While safeguards have been put in place, it is not unlikely that mercenaril entities attempt to subvert the network; therefore additional penalties have been put in place to further deter bad behavior.
Submitting Malicious Proposal:
Every proposal will ultimately be screened by the community. In the event that a proposal is discarded, the issuing address with be tagged with a strike.
- 3 concurrent strikes - slashing stake by 50% - 3 strikes within 864,000 blocks - slashing by 50% - 20+ strikes in total - slash 100% & backlist address.
Spam Flagging Everything:
If an address constantly flags proposals, the system assumes they are being disingenuous, causing friction in the governance forum and attempting to subvert the system.
Violators will have their $ATLA stake slashed and their addresses will be blacklisted. - 3 concurrent strikes - slashing stake by 50% - 3 strikes within 864,000 blocks - slashing by 50% - 20+ strikes in total - slash 100% & backlist address.
Last updated