Virtual Machine


Virtual Machines are the environments responsible for interpreting, translations, and executing computation. These environments are sandboxes that isolate code processing from its host system, in turn protecting the host system from any potential threats (viruses, infinite loops that exhaust system resources and halt the chain, etc.)

Based on an adaption of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) written in the Rust programming language, AtletaVM leverages WASM in its runtime environment.

This hybrid approach retains the technical purity of the EVM and supercharges it with superior granularity, control, and security guarantees (memory safety, concurrency without data races, performance, et al.); allowing builders in the ecosystem maximal flexibility when experimenting with new programming paradigms for smart contracts.

Ultimately, when discussing runtime environments for blockchains, three key elements must be considered: 1) Language Not every VM supports every language; some languages require custom built VM; such is the case with Solidity and the EVM. 2) Compiler Compiling is the act of transforming smart contract code into bytecode. 3) Bytecode The information that actually resides on a blockchain that gives the system instructions on what code to interact with and how to do it.

EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)

After nearly a decade of operation, the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) has become the most widely adopted decentralized environment for conducting computation.

Even though the EVM has been receiving pushback from the developer communities for its sequential order processing and the broader industry for its unstable fee mechanism, that has not impaired its ability to host an aggregate TVL eclipsing $50 Billion USD (and growing).

Interoperability with the EVM continues to be quintessential for the attraction of existing developers in the Web3 space, applications that are currently running, and ultimately the highly-liquid spectrum of assets.

WASM (WebAssembly)

Quickly becoming the fastest-growing alternative runtime environment in the Web3 space with its heightened performance, security, and deterministic design; WASM is a key differentiator in the architecture of Atleta Chain.

Capable of being run in a browser, WASM is a lightweight, platform-independent complier that allows for code portability and the capacity to operate on a set of nodes with widely varying operating systems. This feature is particularly useful in a heterogeneous network like ATLETA, where different nodes might be running on different types of hardware and software.

WASM plays a key role in ATLETA's module design principles; enabling ATLETA more flexibility in the future for introducing new languages.

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