
Frequently Asked Questions about ATLETA

Below we address some of the most popular questions about ATLETA.

If your question is not answered, needs further clarification, or you would just like us to add another one, please reach out to the team directly via any of our social media channels.


General | $ATLA | Validators | Governance | Scalability


Why deploy a new network instead of building on an existing one?

1) Ecosystemic independence from biases prevalent in the foundations operating on existing networks. 2) Enable a native digital asset with the economic profile of a gas token and establish a new foundation of value attribution. 3) Provide unique environment with desirable properties, specifically designed for the dynamic demands of the Sport industry.

Why Not Deploy as a Layer 2?

ATLETA exists primarily for the purpose of being a credibly-neutral, censorship resistant environment; meaning that it cherishes decentralization and independence. Layer 2's are notoriously centralized, further fragment liquidity, and depend on the whims/operational specifications of their underlying networks.

By opting to deploy a Layer 1 network instead, ATLETA becomes independent from other chains and avoid centralization risks.

What Languages can I program in?

ATLETA supports smart contract written in Solidity and Ink!; for more information please refer to the smart contract development section here.

Can I add the ATLETA network to any Web3 Wallet?

Yes; ATLETA can be added to any EVM friendly Web3 wallet; including MetaMask, Rabby, Rainbow, and a multitude of others. There will be a guide containing more granular information about how to do so made available in our "Guide" section of documentation in the near future.


Is ATLA a coin or a token? What's the difference?

Both of the terms can be used interchangeably, however at its core, $ATLA is a coin. The difference between a coin and a token boils down to the nature and function of a digital asset; generally speaking, coins are native blockchain tokens (such as ETH, SOL, BTC) and tokens are smart contracts deployed on top of another blockchain.

What is difference between Bonding & Staking?

Both terms are very similar in meaning, locking up assets as collateral in order to gain some unique functionality. Generally, staking is a generic term, and bonding has a specifically attributable process where the lock-up is not immediate.

How does burning work? Are tokens destroyed?

Burning is simply removing tokens from circulating supply. Given the immutable nature of blockchains, burned tokens are not really "destroyed"; they are sent to a system account address that has no private keys (typically the genesis block) and thus can never be retrieved from their.


Why do validators have a limit on their maximum Stake?

In order to ensure maximal decentralization and even distribution while maintaining optimal security in ATLETA validators have a Stake range of $ATLA 75,000 - 7,500,00. Anything below 75,000 $ATLA (0.001% total supply) does not qualify an actor to become an operator; this minimal threshold ensure sufficient skin-in-the-game to deter misbehavior. Anything above 7,500,000 $ATLA (0.1% total supply) does not register due to potential risks around over-concentration of supply in a small group of actors; meaning that excess coins provide no benefits/yield and in fact, punish validators (and their nominators) with a taxation that will drive the stake down until parity with 7,500,000.


What is the minimum $ATLA requirement to become a nominator?

Becoming a nominator requires a minimum contribution of 10 $ATLA coins.

What is the minimum $ATLA requirement for inclusion in to a nominator pool?

1 $ATLA coin.

When do rewards start to accrue?

Rewards for nominators begin accruing immediately after the bonding process completes.

Can I have my rewards deposited into a different account?

Yes. During the instantiation of a nominators staking, you will be presented with three options for where you want rewards to go: 1) to funding address setting up the staking (automatic) 2) to another address (manual input) 3) to the staking batch, compounding the stake We kindly ask that users pay close attention during the bonding process due to the inability to reverse a decision once finalized. If you would like to switch where rewards are funneled, you will have to unstake, wait for un-bonding, and then re-stake with your new preferences specified.


How Often can a user submit a proposal?

If a proposal is denied/withdrawn, the author must wait the minimal cooldown period of 403,200 blocks (14 days) before submitting their next proposal. If a proposal is in implementation, the author must wait until their suggestion is fully implemented before they can propose the next idea. This is done in order to keep authors focused on delivering their proposals.

How many proposals can a single user have simultaneously?

A user can have only 1 concurrent proposal active at any given time.


What happens to Parachains if ATLETA validators suddenly fail en-masse?

Generally, Parachains will be able to continue operating, although with delayed finality and lowered security.

Does ATLETA support Rollups?

Yes. ATLETA utilizes a modular design allowing it to act as a DA layer for any scaling solution.

If your question has not been answered, needs further clarification, or you would just like us to add more questions that might help other community members, please reach out to the team directly via any of our social media channels.

Last updated